
Velkommen til Nammu Birth.

Jeg tilbyder doula support i din graviditet og fødsel, samt foto og- videografi af jeres fødselsrejse.

Det er min fornemste opgave at skabe et trygt og roligt rum for dig (og din partner) under hele fødselsforløbet.

Du er velkommen til at kontakte mig for en uforpligtende samtale

Nanna Lysholt Hansen, Vestbanevej 20, DK-2500 Valby, København


tel. +45 60329184


“Jeg har haft et forløb ved Nammubirth, hvor jeg har gennemgået individuel fødselsforberedelse, og hvor Nanna også var med til min fødsel og varetog såvel doula-funktion som fungerede som fødselsfotograf.

Det har været et virkelig godt og trygt forløb, hvor jeg følte mig godt støttet igennem hele den store rejse, det er at forberede sig på og at gennemgå en fødsel.

Nanna har en meget omsorgsfuld og nærværende tilgang, hvor man føler sig tryg ved at dele såvel sine forestillinger og eventuelle bekymringer vedr. fødslen.

Under fødselsforberedelsen lærte jeg forskellige teknikker, som jeg havde stor gavn at bruge under fødslen. Samtidig havde vi også arbejdet meget med at blive mentalt godt klædt på til fødslen, og det gjorde, at jeg hele tiden følte mig rolig under fødslen.

Som led i fødselsforberedelsen har Nanna taget graviditetsfotos, og hele fødslen har Nanna sørget for at forevige på flotte fotografier. Det har givet mig et smukt minde om min graviditet med såvel som min fødsel af min datter.

Forløbet blev afsluttet med en efterfødselssamtale, hvilket var en god måde at få bearbejdet hele den store oplevelse på.

Samlet set er jeg ikke i tvivl om, at forløbet ved Nammubirth spillede en stor rolle i forhold til at gøre min fødsel til en tryg og fantastisk oplevelse, og jeg kan således varmt anbefale et forløb hos Nanna. ”  


Maria S., 2021


Dear Nanna, I am so very grateful  to have met you and had you by my side during the pregnancy and delivery of my second child. Your listening ear, supportive attitude and eye for details have made my first experience with a doula truly a great one! You helped us heal a bit more from the first birth, helped me trust and guide my own experience of pregnancy and birth and you went above and beyond by helping us with finding a solution for someone to take care of the big brother during this birth! <3 I hope your professional future is filled with many lovely pregnant women that you can help with their transition into motherhood, and that you can grow in whatever direction your heart desires! Forever thankful

R & E (juli, 2022)

“We heard about the concept of a doula and felt it would be a helpful and good addition to what the Danish Health System offers. We were expecting our first child and we liked the idea of extra support. Nanna provided us with a lot of information, suggestions and material at the birth preparation sessions. It was more than expected, very impressive and greatly appreciated.”

“Nanna was guiding us to discover a lot of things we had no idea about concerning pregnancy and birth. Even when Nanna didn’t give us the information directly, she initiated the finding and the reflections. Additionally, we feel the psychological support she provided was a very important part of it”.

“We invited Nanna as our birth photographer because it is a special and unique time that we wouldn’t be able to capture with just our phones. A third person with the experience can provide a much more emotional and meaningful result. Looking now back at the pictures we are really happy to have some beautiful and artful depictions of these special moments. The pregnancy photography session came out very natural and casual, not stiff or artificial. Nanna has the skill of capturing the moment”.

“During birth Nanna supported us with her presence and practical assistance, supporting with pain relief techniques and making sure we wouldn’t be overwhelmed by the process. The coping tools we had learned were a great help that we used a lot during birth, especially the movements and support positions with and without partner”.

“We would absolutely recommend Doula Support to others. Every couple should have the support we had to turn the process to a positive and life-changing journey to becoming a family”.

“We would also definitely recommend to hire Nanna as your pregnancy&birth photographer. It is worth having beautiful pictures of this unique time. It’s easy to overlook or underestimate its future value”.

Lisa & Nikos, Copenhagen, May 2021